✍ Steps to Improve your Product Sense?

✍ Steps to Improve your Product Sense?

👉 The first step to improving one's product sense is understanding what it really is. I define it as the ability to make correct decisions even when faced with considerable ambiguity.

👉 Empathy: This is the ability to simulate the mental processes of multiple different types of personas that are nothing like you. To be able to say well, in this situation, this type of user is going to react in this manner. Or to say our partners/competitors are going to react in that manner. To be able to really do that well is one key element of product sense.

👉 Domain knowledge: If you understand the domain you're operating in extremely well, it will just naturally lead to better and more correct ideas about what product to build and how to build it. To be specific, I would say to focus on knowledge about your customers and your users, the competition and what they are doing, and technology limitations or opportunities.

👉 Creativity: This is the most elusive but nonetheless important aspect of product sense which is being able to think differently and being able to come up with new ideas for how to address a particular situation or problem.

👉 Improving your product sense, then, boils down to developing more empathy, growing your domain knowledge, and boosting your creativity.


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