How to Solve a Product Case Study in 4 Simple Steps

How to Solve a Product Case Study in 4 Simple Steps

👉Evaluate the need 

👉Validate the need 

👉Set a goal for the feature

👉Decision making

Step 1: Evaluate the need 

To understand the need in the Product case study, you need to ask a series of questions.

1. How did the company come up with this feature?

2. Was it suggested by executives, or by customers?

3. Is the goal of this feature to drive revenue or increase loyalty?

4. Are we assuming that leadership has already signed on board to this feature?

5. Or are we assuming that this is just a small product that we have been given to test?

Step 2: Validate the Need

1. What are your assumptions, knowns and unknowns, and where is the data? 

2. Do we have data on this, and is the data right? 

3. On free returns, do we know how many people already trying to return?

4. Are there specific types of products that we know customers return? 

5. Are there some parts of the world where customers expect free returns? Do we have data on that? (The company isn’t going to necessarily know that from the data because customers might not provide that feedback.)

6. What do we not know? 

Step 3: Set a Goal for the Feature

1. How much is it going to cost, and how do you evaluate that cost?

2. Will priorities in regards to other features change?

3. Would we have to focus on other resources?

4. Would we have to deal with interstate laws based on shipping?

5. How about shipping internationally or shipping interstate? Will it be taxed?

Step 4: Decision-Making

1. The manager has signed off on the strategy.

2. I know who the customers are.

3. I have the data to back it up.

4. I have the stakeholder consensus to do it.

5. I have a timeline that I feel confident executing on.


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