Why Product Managers Should Be Planning For The Metaverse

Virtual reality is the forerunner of the metaverse, but that doesn't mean it's any less transformative. It's not difficult to see a future where virtual reality and augmented reality are not just for entertainment, but for work and education too. That's why product managers need to be thinking about their products in three dimensions now.

The metaverse will be shaped by the technology we use to access it, which could include virtual reality (VR), augmented reality (AR), and brain-computer interfaces (BCI).

 The metaverse is a journey whose destination is unclear, but the imperative to act is urgent.

 Digital assets will underpin user-driven economies in the metaverse.

 Opportunities to leverage immersive three-dimensional experiences will exist without a dependency on Web 3.0.

The metaverse is the future of the internet. Think about how the future narrative of business will change in the next 10 years and how we must as product managers position ourselves for our own career growth and how we need to change the way we think and empower ourselves to continuously adapt. Nothing lasts for ever. Business frameworks will implement, innovation and tech affects us in a one's own way. How we are touched by technology in our daily lives eventually transform into business, we expect business solutions to reach that same level of interactivity and immersion.

The way we touch technology today is getting more immersive. How will augmented reality and virtual reality shape our living dimension. I cant get my grips around this. I wait for the day when online commerce overshadow into the AR/VR as a mainstream recognize way for businesses to attract their customers. Many a product managers are not yet ready to go through into such scenarios and are still engaging with fixing todays problems, with todays technology.

The products of the future will be smart, connected, decentralized, and immersive. Think about your products today and covering these ideas on them to get started on the journey of defining what future will look like. If you’re open to thinking about the tomorrow you will realize that the universe gives you short indicator to help you discover what the future holds. These indicator are small dots which you need to obtain on and then connect them together ever so intelligently. You will need to research, understand and connect to appreciate the potential and inertia of change which is about to happen. If we limit are creativity and innovation to the problem statements that are driven from the events and systems that exist today, then we are not doing justice to our roles as product managers. We must ask ourselves “What will the problems of tomorrow be?”

Metaverse is the moment at which our digital lives­ – our online identities, experiences, relationships, and assets – become more meaningful to us than our physical lives. This perspective puts the focus on the human experience, making the transition to the metaverse a sociological shift instead of a technological one.


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